SMS - Higher National Diploma
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Recent Submissions
ACN 119: Foundations Of Critical Care Nursing
(AMREF International University, 2024-12-07) -
ACN 119: Foundations of Critical Care Nursing
(2022-04-13)Instructions 1) This paper has two sections: Section A Section B 2) Answer ALL questions in Section A and B 3) Use the University examination booklets provided 4) Re-writing the questions on your answer sheet is unnecessary -
ACN129: Complementary concepts in Critical Care Nursing
(2022-04-13) -
ACN 130: Specialized Areas in Critical Care Nursing
(2022-04-14)Instructions 1) This paper has one section: Section A. 2) Answer ALL questions in Section A. , 3) Use the University examination booklets provided 4) Re-writing the questions on your answer sheet is unnecessary -
HDRH 134: Certification Examination Paper 2
(Amref International University, 2022-04-14)Instructions 1) This paper has three sections: Section A, Section B and Section C 2) Answer ALL questions in Section A and Section B and C 3) Use the University examination booklets provided 4) Re-writing the questions on ... -
ADMH105: Research Methods in Mental Health
(Amref International University, 2022-04-14) -
ADMH 104: Theoretical Approaches to Therapy & Practicum
(Amref International University, 2022-04-11) -
ADMHP 102: Assessment in Mental Health and Practicum
(Amref International University, 2022-04-13) -
ADMH 101: Psychopathology, Psychopharmacology and Practicum
(Amref International University, 2022-04-12) -
HMD 115: Foundations of Health Systems
(Amref International University, 2021-08-05) -
HDRH 133: Certification Paper 3
(Amref International University, 2021-07-04) -
HDRH 133 : Certification Examination Paper 2
(Amref International University, 2021-08-03) -
HDRH 133 Certification Examination 1
(Amref International University, 2021-08-02) -
HDRH 111: Fundamentals of Reproductive Health
(Amref International University, 2021-08-02) -
HDRH 111: Fundamentals of Reproductive Health
(Amref International University, 2021-08-02) -
ADMHP 102: Assessment in Mental Health & Practicum
(Amref International University, 2021-08-03) -
ADMH101: Psychopathology, Psychopharmacology & Practicum
(Amref International University, 2021-08-04) -
ADMHP103: Interviewing Skills
(Amref International University, 2021-08-05) -
ADMHP 104: Theoretical Approaches to Therapy & Practicum
(Amref International University, 2021-08-02)